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We've created this page just for you! Simply click the toggle
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👋 If you have any lingering questions, comments, concerns, ideas, feel free to email us at [email protected] or start a conversation on our subreddit: reddit.com/r/RolljakApp
- What can I use Rolljak for?
- Something's malfunctioning! What do I do?
- How do I request new features?
- What is a session?
- What kind of activities can I do in a session?
- How do I create a session?
- How many activities can I put into a session?
- How many sessions can I have?
- How many students can I have on Rolljak?
- What are the Creative Thinking Boosters?
- What are the Design Thinking & Innovation exercises?
- What can I do with Open-Ended?
- What can I do with Sketch it Out?
- What can I do with Unscramble?
Customizing Activities
- What are the different peer evaluation options?
- Do peers know whose work they're evaluating? What do we do about biases?
- How does collaboration work and how do I turn it on?
- How do I customize the time that each phase of an activity takes? What if I want to add more time when students are working?
- How do teams work?
- How do I create a team?
Going Live
- How do students join my session?
- How do I export data?
Example Use Cases
Rolljak Activities
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)